Using One-Word Generators to Spark Writing Creativity


    The best way to get your creativity flowing with your writing is to use a one-word generator. This is perfect for when you're struggling to get into the grove of writing when following a plot or trying to get yourself out of that pesky writer's block! Whenever I use this method, I write and forget that I am writing. My fingers just fly across the keyboard as if I am in a trance. But this method is too good not to share with other writers! If you want to search up one-word generators, you can just google it. But if you want to use the one that I like, I've got you.

    I use's one-word writing prompt generator. It's easy to use and they have other resources on their blog. I was stuck the other night, so I used the generator and received the word, "Starry." I used that word to spin an insightful and romantic scene between my two characters in my current WIP. Works like a charm! Here's a preview of what the generator looks like:

--> Imagine Forest One-Word Writing Prompt Generator <--

    Don't even stress about what you should or should not be writing. The best tip that I can give you is to take your generated word and just sit with it. Listen to what sparks inside of you and let those fingers fly. When I write like this, I take whatever I've written and paste it into a folder I've created on Scrivener. This folder is called the Candybox.  If I feel like it fits into my current manuscript, I will take it out and sprinkle it into my work, sweetening up the entire project. 

Remember my friends, no writing is bad writing. Have fun dabbling with this!